
Nao Now Story- How it all began

Written by Youngeun Cho | Dec 12, 2023 1:51:16 AM


In the dynamic landscape of the competitive English online education market, Nao Now, an innovative video-based English institution, swiftly emerged as a frontrunner. Its distinct curriculum, dedicated mentors, and specialized programs have garnered acclaim from numerous students and parents, setting it apart from other companies in the online English sector. Are you intrigued to discover not only the exceptional programs but also the captivating story behind the inception of Nao Now?


The Beginning in a Medical School Dormitory

Rachel, the founder and CEO of Nao Now, graduated from Yale, a prestigious Ivy League university in the U.S., with excellent grades, and confirmed her admission to a medical school.
During Yale's graduation, she even delivered a speech alongside then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Before enrolling in medical school, Rachel returned to her hometown of LA and worked as a science teacher at an elementary school in Koreatown. Initially, she planned to do it for about a year, but three years passed as she found it to be more fitting for her aptitude than she had anticipated. Still, she proceeded to attend medical school as originally planned. However, her passion for teaching and connecting with students led her to continue teaching them via video from the medical school dormitory during many nights. Notably, having previously worked as a teacher in Koreatown, many of her students had Korean backgrounds, fostering her deep affection for the Korean culture and students.



"That's how Nao Now was born."



As a result of Rachel's passion, she has experienced significant growth with the support of numerous Korean students, ultimately redirecting her career trajectory from aspiring doctor to the role of CEO at an online English school, a transformation that unfolded over three years of medical school.

Upon the launch of Nao Now, a prominent Instagram influencer enrolled her two children in the program and shared a satisfaction review. This triggered an impressive response, with over 100 applicants for the pilot class in just 10 minutes. Rachel realized that the satisfaction derived from being an educator, contributing to the transformation and development of many students' lives, was as fulfilling as the prospect of becoming a doctor and saving lives.


"As soon as Nao Now started, a famous Instagram influencer signed up for the platform. After leaving a satisfaction review, over 100 applicants for the pilot class gathered within 10 minutes. At that moment, I made up my mind. Instead of pursuing a career as a doctor to save many people's lives, I would rather become an educator and contribute to the transformation and development of many students' lives."

- Rachel, Nao Now CEO


A medical student in the US, who once dreamt of becoming a doctor now moved to Seoul, Korea, and established Nao Now. Rachel and her team participated in the "K-Startup Grand Challenge" in 2022, ultimately securing the third-place position among a total of 2,650 global startup companies. 

Rachel, who crafted a success story akin to a movie plot, had an undisclosed helper until she implemented life-altering changes.


A Proud Mentor, Mother

Every child's initial teacher and mentor is their mother, and Rachel was no exception.

Rachel's mother, Gail, serves as an exemplar of a working mother, having pursued a legal career for over 20 years following her studies at the University of Toronto. Gail, a remarkable mother, has successfully guided all six of her children, including her eldest daughter Rachel, to Ivy League schools.


Under the influence of her industrious mother, Rachel has grown into a hardworking and contributing member of society, mirroring Gail's work ethic. Notably, Gail has imparted crucial qualities essential for a lawyer—persuasive abilities, eloquent speech, and proficient writing skills—to Rachel. These attributes proved invaluable when Rachel crafted the curriculum for Nao Now.

Above all, when Rachel, navigating the challenges of founding Nao Now with limited social experience, sought her mother's assistance, Gail willingly stepped in. She not only provided valuable guidance but also became an integral part of Nao Now's foundation, showcasing the unwavering support and collaboration between mother and daughter.

In fact, women wield significant influence in the education market. Even when examining the gender distribution among teachers, women are predominant. However, did you know that only 13% of CEOs in the Edutech market are women? Nao Now is an education company specifically established by a female representative, fostering a mother-daughter relationship that revolves around teaching and learning for a lifetime. It is no coincidence that Nao Now has implemented a mentor-mentee system. It appears that Rachel has evolved into the CEO of Nao Now, carefully selecting mentors capable of inspiring students' dreams and interests, and assisting children in moving closer to their aspirations through Nao Now's classes.


"In the Edu-tech market, where men still dominate, Nao Now stands out as a distinctive female representative.

It is also an educational company crafted around mother-daughter relationships,

which can be described as a lifelong teaching and learning connection."


In fact, Hannah, a student at Nao Now who was taught by Rachel, said to her mother, "I want to go to Yale like Mentor Rachel." Students at Nao Now learn from mentors with diverse backgrounds – from those who majored in film to those with a background in biology, aspiring to become film directors and actors or nurturing dreams of becoming researchers.

Nao Now, the online education pioneer, continues to forge ahead with the same brilliance that marked its inception. The story of Nao Now, rich with dreams and aspirations, is one that resonates with the future. Anticipating the chapters yet to be written, let's eagerly look forward to witnessing the unfolding journey of Nao Now and the countless dreams it is bound to cultivate.