
Nao Now's Special Program - Personal Project

Written by Youngeun Cho | Dec 21, 2023 11:09:11 AM


Many Nao Now mentors have emphasized the importance of connecting English to real-life experiences as a valuable tip for learning the language. This can include activities such as watching movies or TV shows in English or engaging in your favorite pastimes using the language.

In fact, an educationalist David Ausubel argued that children can achieve the most effective learning outcomes when they are already familiar with the content being taught. 

 Nao Now curriculum aligns seamlessly with this theory. It allows for the selection of learning topics in English, enabling students to engage with subjects of personal interest. It's no surprise that Nao Now students rapidly enhance their English skills!


Meaningful learning goes beyond regular lessons. Nao Now offers a distinctive program called "Personal Project", designed to integrate students' interests with English learning. 


What is Personal Project?

Studying solely through books and notebooks can be challenging to retain for an extended period. Conversely, activities involving drawing or creation tend to leave a lasting impression. The Personal Project is a program that encourages hands-on and sensory English learning. For instance, if a child aspires to become a scientist, they can conduct entire science experiments in English. If their interest lies in cooking, they can explore English recipes and even create videos explaining the cooking process. Similarly, for those inclined towards movies, they have the opportunity to write a script for a short film, act in it, and take on the role of a director—all conducted in English.


When a student engages in a personal project in this manner, the mentor takes the role of the initial audience, providing essential feedback along with commendations. If assistance is needed during the personal project creation process, students have the option to seek guidance from their mentor. The synergy achieved from the personal project is notably enhanced when the child's interests align with the mentor's major or interests. Consequently, mentor selection in Nao Now is carefully made, taking into account the child's inclinations and the mentor's major or interests.


How is Sarang enjoying her Personal Project?


So cute! Sarang, at the age of 9, has been a part of Nao Now for approximately a year. It's truly delightful to see her articulate explanations of the ingredients required and the cooking process for making jelly bears in fluent English. What stands out the most is Sarang's evident joy in undertaking this project and participating in English classes. Her enthusiasm is palpable as she not only enjoys herself but also engages in activities such as humming and dancing to songs, conducting personal research, and presenting on her favorite topics. Nao Now aspires for every student to experience the joy of learning English, much like Sarang does! :)

Are you curious about Nao Now mentors? Find out in the "Mentors" section!


A self-directed learning portfolio is also embraced at Nao Now!

The personal project at Nao Now, being a student-led initiative, serves as an effective component for a self-directed learning portfolio. The significance of a portfolio is underscored not only for U.S. college admissions but also in the dynamic landscape of domestic college entrance requirements. As the personal project with Nao Now progresses, it becomes a valuable asset, culminating in a robust portfolio to include in college entrance applications.


Personal Project Presentations

Nao Now also organizes presentations where multiple students prepare and showcase their individual projects. If you are interested in learning about the diverse projects undertaken by fellow students, we encourage you to participate in the presentation. During the personal project presentation, representatives, management, and mentors from Nao Now attend, providing a valuable opportunity to enhance your English public speaking skills in front of a larger audience. Additionally, participants may receive small gifts as tokens of appreciation!

Many believe that personal projects yield the best results when undertaken collaboratively alongside regular classes. If you're interested in learning more about Nao Now's personal projects, feel free to visit "Personal Project" page.