
    Youngeun Cho

    Nao Now's new digital classroom YARD
    Nao Now's new digital classroom YARD
    Nao Now launched a new digital classroom, YARD! "What is YARD?" If you read Nao...

    2 Min Read

    Jun 29, 2024

    U.S. Elementary School Classes: How Are They...
    U.S. Elementary School Classes: How Are They...

    School HoursIn the U.S., school typically...

    3 Min Read

    May 29, 2024

    Nao Now's 3 Solutions for Online Speaking...
    Nao Now's 3 Solutions for Online Speaking...

    Are you a parent of elementary school students...

    2 Min Read

    Apr 25, 2024

    The secret of a lawyer working mom sending...
    The secret of a lawyer working mom sending...

    'Ivy League!'

    It is a community of schools that...

    6 Min Read

    Mar 28, 2024

    What are the advantages of online courses...
    What are the advantages of online courses...

    The current trend in English classes is online...

    4 Min Read

    Dec 29, 2023

    Nao Now's Special Program - Personal Project
    Nao Now's Special Program - Personal Project

    Many Nao Now mentors have emphasized the...

    3 Min Read

    Dec 21, 2023

    Nao Now Curriculum - Why so Special?
    Nao Now Curriculum - Why so Special?

    Curriculum Aimed at an Ivy League Education


    3 Min Read

    Dec 14, 2023

    Nao Now Story- How it all began
    Nao Now Story- How it all began

    In the dynamic landscape of the competitive...

    5 Min Read

    Dec 12, 2023